Authors: Daniel R. Barber and Alyssa Navallo

The definitive hands-on training manuals for the paralegal profession.


Essential Skills Bundle

Total Cost $500.00
(Plus Approximately $30 Shipping)

NOTE: Used versions of the Essential Skills for Paralegals Manuals are not allowed for this program because the Bundle includes not only the books, but also online research access and online study support.

Shipping address can not be a PO Box.

Expect to receive your materials in 3 to 7 business days

Please note: No refunds

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Please note: Only students enrolled at one of the following university paralegal programs are eligible to purchase the Essential Skills for Paralegals Bundle: DePaul University; Duke University; John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Rice University; University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Davis; University of Miami; University of Nevada, Las Vegas; University of Tennessee.